VR Medical is a certified physiotherapy and ergotherapy tool developed in collaboration with therapists, doctors and patients.
The virtual environment immerses patients to the extend that they forget the obstacles they perceive in reality. In doing so, they do not lose human contact with the doctor. Continuous visual and auditory feedback motivates the patient to increase the intensity of the exercise and the quality of the performance.
Immediate access to all relevant data allows healthcare professionals to immediately change the individual rehabilitation programme of patients. The evaluation is objective, repeated and highly accurate. Evidence of improving performance motivates patients to keep working.
In addition to increasing motivation, virtual reality also pushes the pain threshold of patients and thus accelerates their return to normal life. The virtual environment is safe and low-impact and can be easily adapted to the higher demands on the patient during rehabilitation.
Easy to use VR headset, intuitive control with handtracking.
User control centre with apps portfolio. Collects, evaluates and reports valuable data.
Medical and tech experts sharing unique know-how; emphasis on exeptional customer care.
Safe to use in medical environment. Certified and cyber-safe.
The service still improves and sets the trends. Constantly growing portfolio of therapeutic content.
We work with doctors, therapists and caregivers who are leaders in their fields.
MUDr. Andrea Kunschová
Head of the Department of Medical Rehabilitation, University Hospital Pilsen
Prof. MUDr. Jakub Hort, Ph.D., FEAN
Head of the Cognitive Centre, Department of Neurology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
MUDr. Ivana Uiberlayová
Primářka a náměstkyně Janské Lázně
Mgr. Dagmar Mega
Snoezelen Lecturer
MUDr. Václav Šimánek, Ph.D.
Director of the University Hospital in Pilsen
VR Medical as complex solution
Email us at [email protected] or fill in the form. We'll get back to you to arrange a time when we can come to you.
We'll come to you with the product ready and show you how to use it and explain how it works.
You will learn info on functionality, operation, charging and hardware care. The training will be hands-on so you can try the product and understand the controls.
You can test the provided hardware first. If it doesn't work for you, we'll be happy to chat with you about what to improve. Do you like how VR Medical works? Do you want to continue working with him? We will prepare all the details and the official order.
Do you like how VR Medical works? Do you want to keep working with it? We will prepare all the details and the official order for you.
Please leave us your contact details and any questions questions you may have to contact you with further action.
Based on information provided, we will get back to you to discuss the next steps.
If you want, we will come to demonstrate you VR Medical. You will be able to try it out in and decide whether you are interested in buying it.
You can count on us
Phone: +420 608 991 838 All working days during standard working hours from 8:00 to 16:00.
Email: We are available 24/7 at [email protected]. We respond to your queries from Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.
Also check out the FAQ section for answers to frequently asked questions.
VR Medical holds the Medical Device Class 1 certification from the State Drug Control Office (SÚKL).
First place in the 4DigitalHealth Accelerator 2021 competition under the auspices of EIT Health
VR Awards 2022 finalist
Participation in the Bridgehead Global & Europe 2022 program from the InnoStars region